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Importances bookmark of social sites while performing SEO for a website

Social Bookmarking can be defined as simple as how we bookmark a website for any future reference. It refers to submitting your site or page on others website with high domain authority recognition in order to make known of your website on social platforms. This Off-page SEO technique is very helpful to create backlinks, gain site visibility, drive traffic and also generate leads for your business.

Social bookmarking is a way for people to store, organize, search, and manage “bookmarks” of web pages. Users save links to web pages that they like or want to share, using a social bookmarking site to store these links. These bookmarks are usually public, and can be viewed by other members of the site where they are stored. Examples of social bookmarking sites include facebook  and twitter .

Most social bookmark services are organized by users applying “tags” or keywords to content on a Web site. This means that other users can view bookmarks that are associated with a chosen tag, and see information about the number of users who have bookmarked them. In many cases, users can also comment or vote on bookmarked items.

Step by Step Complete Guide to Social Bookmarking
Distributed By Md Shajjadul Haque

What is Bookmarking?
Most of the time, while surfing the internet, you come across some very interesting article, blog, video or any piece of information you are interested in, but just because of lack of time, you feel to complete it later. Yes, I am talking about saving an URL for further use.

Basic Concept of Browser Bookmarking
Suppose that piece of information as a book. Now you want that Book(URL) to mark somewhere so that you can access it further. You can simply bookmark it in your Browser. Shortcut for BookMarking any URL is CTRL + D

Press CTRL + D, URL is bookmarked or can say saved in your bookmarks list.

Where are these Browser Bookmarked URLs saved?
These all URLs are saved in the bookmark list, which is linked to your browser. All are saved in your Browsers Bookmarking List. You can see your entire bookmark list just below your search bar of Browser whether it is Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox

What is Social Bookmarking in SEO?
As in Browser Bookmarking, URLs are saved in Browser’s bookmarking list. Social Bookmarking procedure saves your URLs(Links) socially, i.e. on social platforms. These are social bookmarks so anyone can see them, as they public. They are actually saved for personal use as well as can be shared with someone.

What are Social Bookmarking Websites?
Social Bookmarking websites are online social platforms where you can submit any Link for further use.

How to Bookmark any Website’s Link (URL)?
One of the biggest bookmarking website these days is http://Reddit.com. Let’s take the example of the front page of the internet. Follow below-mentioned Steps for Bookmarking a Link on the front page of the internet

Create a Profile on the front page of the internet
Click on submit URL

Paste your Link

Bookmarking Done

There is a lot behind Bookmarking on Reddit, here I just took a quick view on how to do Bookmarking on any website like as Reddit.

Role of Social Bookmarking in Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) ?
We as a Webmaster all know, how important is a quality Backlink for any website. Yes, it is very much helpful, we can it’s one of the two major ranking factors. If we talk about some of the top Website like Reddit, Stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc these websites help in bookmarking as well as driving a bulk of traffic to your money website.

General Selection of Websites for Social Bookmarking?
All webmaster and SEOs do bookmark to gain quality backlinks for their money website. Most of them follow the very simple procedure for finding Social Bookmarking Websites. They usually visit Google and search for “Social Bookmarking Sites List ”. Then they open top 4-5 SERP(Search Engine Result Page) results and start creating profiles on them. Now what you have a bulk of resources for Social Bookmarking Activity. After completing Social Bookmarking on 500 Websites in 5-6 Days, they feel let’s check our Webmaster Report to evaluate. Now comes the truth. You bookmarked your money website link on 500 Social Bookmarking Websites, but Webmaster report says ‘Links to your Site’(Backlinks) are only 150 or maximum 200. How did this happen? Where are rest of the Backlinks that you worked on?

Most Important Factor of Getting Backlink from Social Bookmarking Website?
As an SEO or Webmaster, we all know that we won’t get any backlink from a website unless the LIVE Link where we bookmarked our Money Link get Indexed in Google. If Google does not Index the Live submitted URL, it will not come to know about your URL that you made a hyperlink on anchor text as Title of Bookmark.

How to check Do-follow or no-follow BacklinkLink from Social Bookmarking?
Do you know the backlink you receive from these Social Bookmarking sites is Do-Follow or No-Follow? Do follow backlinks are actually which pass all the value of their domain to your link along with backlink. Whereas No follow Backlinks only pass traffic and backlink but no value of their own to your link. You can simply check the link for Do follow or No follow by checking the source code of Live URL where your money website Link is bookmarked.
Open your bookmarked URL press CTRL+U, and then find CTRL+F for your money link you submitted. If the link will be no follow you will see a code “rel=noffollow” in your URLs <a href> code. If No-follow code is not there it is a Do-Follow

How to Judge a Good Social Bookmarking Website? Method-1
Today lakhs of SEOs are doing Bookmarking daily. We all agree for this. This means a bookmarking website, where let’s suppose around min. 100 book-markings are done daily. This simply indicates that it should create new 100 URLs daily. If these get indexed in Google they must be seen in Google SERP if we search for “site:www.example.com” without quotes in Google. Here I took example(.)com an example of a Social Bookmarking Website. Yes, this is the main point, if it is a Social Bookmarking Website then it is understood that it should have at least 1000 links which result because they get indexed in Google. This gives you positivity that your money Link will also get indexed in Google followed by a countable Backlink pointing to your Website.

How to Judge a Good Social Bookmarking Website? Method-2
You can also check the indexing of any of the already submitted URL, by “cache” code, which shows the cache copy of any URL that gets indexed in Google. For example open any bookmarked URL from that website, type “cache:” without quotes, in the starting of the URL and press enter. If it ever got indexed in Google it will show a Cache copy with Date and Time, if not it will show 404 Error.

How to Judge a Good Social Bookmarking Website? Method-3
We all know about sites Robots.txt file. Robots.txt file has controls for Google and other Search Engine Bots (Crawlers). These controls and instructions tell these crawlers and bots what to crawl and what to not. If a site owner does not want its some URL to get indexed in Google, it can be prevented from getting indexed by using a simple code in Robots.txt file. For example, if you want your whole website not to to be crawled or indexed in any Search Engine you can use this code in your robots.txt file
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
This Disallow code – disallows all the Search Engine Bots to crawl your Website.
So the point is, it may be possible that Social Bookmarking might be trying to prevent indexing or crawling of any new submitted URLs. Yes, new that you just submitted.

I would prefer to go for Method-1. As in Method-2, it is possible that by mistake check an URL that paid some money to the website owner to allow indexing. You suppose that your’s link too will get indexed. Talking about Method-3, there might be difficult to understand their robots.txt file.
Collect some good, working, genuine Bookmarking Site List to work on. Otherwise, you will invest a lot of time in, too many Social Bookmarking Websites but won’t get expected result.

We made a list of updated Social Bookmarking Sites for you to let know people about your website or webpage.

List of Top Social Bookmarking Sites in 2020

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